Friday, February 26, 2016

World of7 billion

So this past week, we made a video for the world of 7 billion video contest and the whole point was to think of a solution to the problem of water scarcity, deforestation, or human health/population. I chose deforestation for my project.

I really liked this project because I got to learn a lot about deforestation and learn about why it is such a problem. My solution to the problem of deforestation was to contact your local government and put forth initiatives to plant trees whenever they are cut down. Also I put to join global organizations that advocate for the slowing of deforestation. If I were to change one thing about my video, I would probably change the solution because the music and the beginning were gold. The solution is not very thoughtful. For these kinds of projects I much rather work in groups rather than solo like we did. Video projects I believe have a better outcome when there is a group to work on it.