Friday, August 21, 2015

First Week and My Heartbreak

Well it is the end of the first week of digcit, and I have to say that it is going to be a great year. Even though we really didn't really start getting into the juicy parts of this class, we got a nice overview of what we will be expecting the rest of the year as well as learning how to be good digital citizens. We actually learned how to blog. Not one person including the teachers had ever blogged before and it was a learning experience for everyone. Even though putting all of my thoughts out there for the world to see isn't exactly in my comfort zone, I know it will just help me and give useful new experiences. I am excited to see what responses I get back.

One of the first challenges of this class have been trying to find a passion. I know that there are plenty of people that have a passion for things but before this class I was not one of those people. I hadn't found something that I really felt strongly and passionately about. One of the big parts of this year is a passion project. We have to find something we are really passionate about and either volunteer or raise awareness or something like that and we will do a presentation at the end of the year. Since a lot of people had trouble finding a passion, my teachers explained to us that sometimes to find your passion you have to figure out what breaks your heart. At first I was a little confused about how something that makes you sad can be a passion. It was then explained to me that if something really breaks your heart it will cause you to want to make a difference. To really find out if something breaks our heart, we made a heart break map.

Our heartbreak maps were basically three different size hearts inside of each other. The first level would be what breaks our heart. The second level is what about it breaks our heart. The third level is what we can do to make a difference. This was really great in helping me find what I am passionate about and I never really realized it until now.


  1. I agree that homeless people need help, especially in winter.
    And I agree that it's terribly hard to figure out what makes you most passionate (and your teacher is hecka brilliant btw.)
    And I dunno. Just wanted to comment cuz I can that I agree fully with what you've written so beautifully here.

    1. Ya I am really excited to see how this project will unfold. Thankyou for agreeing and being the first one to comment

  2. Jamie,

    Don't be frustrated if your Passion Project idea doesn't jump out right away. You never know when a good idea will surface.

    Congratulations on your first blog post.

    Mr. Smith

  3. I think it's cool that this course has already allowed you to find something about yourself you've otherwise not known, and we're not even that far into the year!

    Also, on a side note, did you ever notice you have a thing with the word "juice"? Some of the things you write in class like on the todaysmeet board and this say it.

    1. Ya I am excited to see what else I will discover. Also I do overuse Juice.
